Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status rvice If you want to check apache status, you can run the command: sudo systemctl status httpd To restart the the server, run this command: sudo systemctl restart httpd If you want to stop apache server, you can stop the apache server with below command. You need to start apache server in CentOS server. sudo firewall-cmd -permanent -add-service=https Or if you have installed SSL certificate for the domain, you need to open port 443. sudo firewall-cmd -permanent -add-service=http You can do it by running the below command. If you have installed firewalld in your server, then you need to open port 80 to allow apache to handle the requests. Now install Apache server running below command. The first step is to install any package is to update the system software repositories list. So let's start by logging in server in Terminal. In this article, we will learn hou to install and configure apache web server in CentOS server. Ubuntu and centOS is common used linux web server. It provides dynamically run multiple website, redirection, whitelist-bloacklist and security features for websites. Apache web server is widely used open-source web server for web application.